Friday, October 7, 2011

Server Side Verses Client Side

Server Side Verses Client Side

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Official Google Blog: Android in spaaaace! (Part 2)

Official Google Blog: Android in spaaaace! (Part 2): Back in December, Android ventured into near space , thanks to a weekend of DIY work, a couple of Nexus S phones, some weather balloons and ...

Friday, March 18, 2011

Function & its Declaration

     The typical way of something done in C++ programs is to 
call a function.Defining a function is the way you specify how 
an operation is to be done.Whenever a function is defined must 
specify a return type to indicate the type of the value returned by
 the function when it complete its task.A function cannot be called
 unless it has been declared.
    Function declaration gives the name of the function,the type 
of value returned (if any) by the function and the number of function,
types of  arguments must be supplied in a 'call' of the function.
Each function in a program performs a task and may return a value. 

Monday, February 7, 2011

Friend Function & class

If we want to declare an external function as a friend of class
thus allowing this function to have access to the private and protected
members of this class,we do it by declaring a prototype of this external
functions within the class and preceding it with keyword 'friend'.
For example, we could define an operator that multiplies a Matrix by a Vector . Naturally,
Vector and Matrix each hide their representation and provide a complete set of operations for
manipulating objects of their type. However, our multiplication routine cannot be a member of
both. Also, we don’t really want to provide lowlevel
access functions to allow every user to both
read and write the complete representation of both Matrix and Vector .
To avoid this, we declare the operator  a friend of both:

c l a s s M a t r i x ;
c l a s s V e c t o r
f l o a t v [4 ];
f r i e n d V e c t o r o p e r a t o r *(c o n s t M a t r i x &, c o n s t V e c t o r &);
c l a s s M a t r i x
V e c t o r v
f r i e n d V e c t o r o p e r a t o r

reference(bjaurne.S book)

 we can define a class as friend of another class,by granting
that first class access to the protected and private members of
the second one.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Deploy using a Setup and Deployment Project

Procedures for deploying Visual C++ library DLLs as shared assemblies

Create a Setup and Deployment Project

  1. From the File menu, click New Project, open the Other Project Types node and select Setup and Deployment, then click Setup Project give a name and press OK.
  2. Add the EXE and DLL to the project and specify where they should be installed on the target computer
  3. From the Project menu, choose Add and click File.
  4. Find the folder containing MyApplication.exe and MyLibrary.DLL and select them both.
  5. In the File System window, right click on Application Folder, point to Add and click Create to create a new folder and name it.
  6. Build setup.exe
  7. Run setup.exe

    • Your application is installed in the specified target folder.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Constructor Overloading

     Constructor overloading is
a method with one name and perform
variety of task.


    Constructor is a method which create and intialize objects.
They dont return values,constructor can be default constructor.
It just initialize members and object.Constructor is of same name
as of 'Class'.

Class employee
      int age;
      char name;
     age 1();
     name 1();

 employee : age 1()
    cout<<"enter age";

   employee e= new employee();
   e.age 1();

where 'e' is the object and 'new' for memory allocation,
we declare object and access everything through it.Default
constructor to called class employee.

Pointer & Reference in C++

    Pointer hold an address and use that address to modify
the original value.To access a variable through a pointer we
derefer it.
    Pointer is an Alias for another variable.So if we
pass a pointer into a function,we are actually passing 
an alias to the outside object.

    int a=2;
    int &b=a;

output will be 24 as b refer to a.

Lvalue & Rvalue

   Variables names are said to be "lvalue"  for left values because
they can be used on the left side of  an assignment operator.
   Constants are said to be "rvalue" for right values because they
can be used on the right side of an assignment operator.

Virtual functions & Overriding

 If a function is declared as virtual in the base class,it is
virtual in all derived classess.
     The redefiniton of virtual function in a derived class
is usually called overriding.
    If we dont want to override the method we can use 'new'.
Marking the method with 'new' tells the compiler that we are not
overriding the base class implementation of method.

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